Wednesday, November 10, 2010


well, humans, how i came to be is probably on your minds. you're also wanting to hear it, yeah?

not happening.

my beginning is as secret as what you call your social security number. but why are you issued numbers? don't you guys have names?
i mean, who ever heard of someone called 5? or 34? yet, that's what your social security number is, right?

anyway, let's just say that the only way you'll know my beginning is if you join the team and have special access to the archives.

but let's just say i'm no barney and move along.

every now and again, this human and i will put certain letters in bold, and when ud goes into that movie deal, there will be a certain phrase that if you can point it out, it will give a little bit of foreshadowing for the next video.

that's all for now, little, little men.