Tuesday, November 23, 2010

sk-''capital'' animals/video game

as many of you humans know, there are two types of animals, but since this stone age thing that doesn't have voice command can't capitalize, i guess i can't draw a visualization...

and, what's cool about these things, is you can program games, and i just wanna say, unforseen discipline, coming free on steam, maybe.
the human and i are working on a 5 movie game with 6 missions apiece, and guess what genre it is

zombie frickin' apocalypse. yeah, you heard me right. a game using the left for dead engine will be coming out. atleast, if i can get programmers and the human, he can do skins, music, cinematic events, and voice commands, there will be a game detailing the adventure of a zombie apocalypse with big zombies that'll pick a car up just to beat you to death with it. yeah, tanks, withces, boomers, smokers, hunters, chargers, spitters, jockeys, and more.